Elie Herrera (He/Him)

Senior WordPress Developer & Co-Owner

Loving computers since an early age has driven me to engage, learn, and challenge myself to grow in this field. I’m a passionate WordPress developer with over 10 years of experience in the industry. I’ve worked both independently and with agencies on a wide variety of projects for local and global clients. I also have a design background, so when I’m working on front-end development it’s the best of both worlds!

I’m also an active graffiti artist in a city that allows us to create art on the urban walls here in Nicaragua.

Personal Highlights

What I love about Estelí, Nicaragua: The fresh weather, the quality of life, the people and culture… It’s a nice place to live.

Favorite place ever traveled: Going to the beaches in Nicaragua is a unique experience.

Hobbies: I like to go out with my homies and do some graffiti art, play basketball, and play video games with my kids 🙂