Dave Drouin (He/Him)

President & Co-Owner

I have a passion for listening, and making sure that our clients feel heard. There is a unique and meaningful personality inside all organizations; the right questions help us to understand and communicate this personality.

I have been a designer for over two decades. I started out in legal exhibit design, moved on to textbook publishing, spent time in NYC in the web division of a large agency, and then as the art director for an international magazine based in Portland. The common thread throughout my career has been my desire to collaboratively develop the central visual concept, and ensure that it is accurately and coherently brought to life.

At PixelSpoke, I pursue the balance between the aesthetics and function of visual design. We always strive to create a visitor experience that is both useful, and beautiful.

Personal Highlights

What I love about Portland – The access to nature, the great food and drink, the people.

My favorite place ever traveled – Nepal, because of the amazing people, scenery and tea.

Hobbies – Backcountry motorcycling, home-brewing, picking up too many new hobbies, and exploring the world with my lovely wife.

Weirdest thing I’ve ever eaten – Some ‘friends’ in Nepal tricked me into eating parts of a goat normally reserved for reproduction. Further proof that you can fry just about anything and make it palatable.

Bonus fact! I’m a Certified Master Recycler, and a Certified Neighborhood Emergency Team (NET) volunteer with the City of Portland. So, whether you need help sorting your plastic recycling, or have questions about emergency preparedness … I’m your man.

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